Meteorological weather radar


Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service under Ministry of Environment


2013/09 – 2014/09

Project description:

Elsis TS UAB successfully completed the project with Lithuanian Hydro-Meteorological Service (LHMS) under the Ministry of Environment for the acquisition and installation of a new weather radar. The project work included construction of radar tower, installation of all interior and exterior systems (security, video surveillance, fire alarm, and telecommunications), supply and installation of weather radar technical equipment and software, customer trainings. Radar manufacturer – Vaisala Oyj (Finland).

The radar will present precise data on precipitation, the intensity and type thereof. It can also determine many processes, various hydro-meteorological events, forecast weather conditions for sea and air ports, hurricanes, hail, air mass changes, etc. This new weather radar is aimed at monitoring precipitation and short-term weather projections, thus enabling national weather forecasters to make more accurate precipitation forecasts.

This is a second radar used by LHMS, which will complement the first one located in Laukuva. Information about the atmosphere is collected within the radius of 250 km, however, the greater the distance the lower is the accuracy of the data. The new radar was constructed in Trakų Vokė, thus allowing to monitor precipitation movements in the eastern Lithuania, Poland and Belarus, and making more accurate very short-term forecasts of the entire Lithuania and its surroundings.

The contract implemented executing the project “Modernization of Lithuanian meteorological observation network. Acquisition and installation of weather radar”, which is funded from the 2007-2013 European Regional Development Funds and state budget funds of the Republic of Lithuania.