Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) modernization


Maritime Rescue Coordination Center of the  Lithuanian Naval Forces (LNF)


2016/12 – 2017/05

Project description:

The main goal of this project – modernization of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), is to ensure that the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) of the Navy of the Lithuanian Armed Forces is able to accept a distress signal and to provide high-quality radiotelephony (voice) and data exchange communication with ships and authorities participating in search and rescue operations in the A2 area.

The GMDSS consists of the following parts: a GMDSS operator’s console, which integrates the following equipment: a GMDSS AD (HF/MF) 250W DSC Class A radio station (transmitter and receiver, antenna tuning device); a GMDSS LAD (VHF) DSC Class A radio station; a GMDSS Inmarsat mini-C station with a terminal; a GMDSS air band radio station; an LAD (VHF) radio station with programmable channels; a personal computer with a monitor integrated in the console for displaying NAVTEX messages; GMDSS software licenses to ensure GMDSS functionality; a voice communication terminal of radio stations enabling the operator to work with all radio stations simultaneously; an uninterruptible power supply.

During the implementation of the project, the existing partially functional GMDSS console was uninstalled, and a new GMDSS was designed, installed, configured, and fine-tuned, while users were trained to use the system.
During the project, modernization of the GMDSS included dismantling the high-frequency radio station located in the Nida maritime observation post of the Navy of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, replacing it with a new one, updating the existing GMDSS V4 software, and adjusting it to the GMDSS used by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) of the Navy of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.