Construction of gas interconnection between Poland and Lithuania in the territory of Lithuania (GIPL)


UAB Alvora (main contractor), UAB Šiaulių dujotiekio statyba, AB Amber Grid


2020/04 – 2021/12

Project description:

GIPL (Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania) is a natural gas infrastructure connecting the natural gas transmission systems of Poland and Lithuania, as well as the Baltic States and Finland, with the system of the European Union. The project is being implemented by the Lithuanian and Polish natural gas transmission system operators Amber Grid and GAZ-SYSTEM. The European Commission has identified the GIPL project as an infrastructure project of major importance for the security of gas supply, a project of common EU interest (PCI).

The connection will allow the natural to flow in both directions. The GIPL gas pipeline runs from Jauniūnai gas compressor station (GCS) in Širvintos district to Hołowczyce GCS on the Polish side. The total length of the pipeline is 508 km – 165 km in Lithuania and 343 km in Poland. The pipeline will be operational in 2022.

UAB ELSIS TS has significantly contributed to the implementation of this strategic project by performing the part of pipeline process management and automation in all GIPL-related facilities under reconstruction and construction.

The following works were carried out during the project implementation:

  • Jauniūnai Gas Compressor Station (GCS): (i) Reconstruction of Jauniūnai GCS and technological site of Jauniūnai (CA20) with gas pressure control unit (GPCU); (ii) Extended and installed process control and automation system (2 programmable logic controllers (PLC), 14 controlled closing devices); (iii) Updated control algorithm of the GCS, expanded DCS (Distributed Control System) and ESD (Emergency Shut-Down) systems;
  • GIPL Pipeline Valve Sites: Automation of remote-control of 18 main gas pipeline closing devices (sites) installed along 163 km of GIPL Lithuanian section, installation of remote-control system (15 programmable logic controllers (PLC), 22 controlled closing devices);
  • Santaka Gas Metering and Pressure Regulation Station (GMPRS): (i) newly built Santakos DASRS is equipped with a process control and automation system (4 programmable logic controllers (PLCs), 15 controlled closing devices), fully automated and autonomous operation of the station, ensuring the supply of gas without human intervention, control and monitoring from the Central Dispatch Center; (ii) installed certified system for gas commercial (6 ultrasonic meters, flow computers); (iii) installed system for gas composition determination (3 gas flow chromatographs); (iv) installed systems for gas flow water and hydrocarbon dew point and gas flow oxygen measurements; (v) installed system for natural gas and hydrogen leak detection; (vi) An 18 km optical (48 fiber) cable and communication equipment was installed from Santaka DASRS to the first closing device site in Poland for data transmission from AB Amber Grid to Gaz System S.A. One-way data transfer has been implemented, which ensures maximum cyber security for this critical infrastructure objec; (vii) electronic communications engineering networks have been installed (expanded existing infrastructure of AB “TELIA”) for data transmission from Santakos GMPRS to the dispatch center of AB “Amber Grid”;
  • Central Dispatching System (SCADA): (i) expanded Central dispatching system of AB “Amber Grid” (Yokogawa Fast / Tools SCADA) to include new technological objects; (ii) A data exchange mechanism with a protocol agreed with the Polish gas transmission system operator has been implemented;

The GIPL project is seen both as an energy security measure and as another alternative source of energy supply, enabling cheaper gas to be purchased from the pan-European gas market, and to expand the LNG terminal’s capacity to supply gas to the European market.