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Contract for the Modernization of Water Supply System in the City of Ternopil in Ukraine

31-Aug-2018. Elsis TS has signed a contract with the Ternopol City Utility Company “Ternopilvodokanal” for the installation of SCADA system for water pump stations, wastewater pump stations, waste water treatment plant, water supply and wastewater disposal networks.

The project is funded by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development toward the cost of Second Urban Infrastructure Project (UIP2). Contract implementation partners: main contractor – Elsis TS, subcontractors – Elsis IS, Copa-Data (Austria), SE Rikom (Ukraine), HikVIsion (China), Siemens (Germany).

During the execution of this contract, the following works will be performed: design works, supply of the equipment, construction and installation, commissioning works, inspection of networks, video monitoring and geoinformation system with hydraulic water system modeling capabilities, various construction and installation works.

Contract value – over 1,1 mln., term – 17 months.