29-11-2018. Elsis TS has signed a contract with Amber Grid AB for the implementation of a gas metering data collection system (DAPDS IS) for the gas transmission system. The contract partners (subcontractors) are Yokogawa Polska and Elsis PRO.
During the execution of the contract, a completely new information system will be installed, which will ensure the collection of gas metering data from gas volume conversion devices (flow computers, PTZ-correctors) and their log records (Logs), the log recorders of the chromatographs and/or chromatograph controllers and transferring them to the DAPDS database and further secure transfer of the data to the information system of the gas transmission system operator (Amber Grid AB) and the users of the system for efficient management of the gas flows and for the interactive exchange of information.
The project work is scheduled to be completed by 30 November 2019.
The project is supported by EU funds investments (2014-2020).