18-Mar-2021. Elsis TS and State Enterprise Oro Navigacija (Air Navigation) signed a contract for the installation of instrument landing systems with remote sensing equipment (ILS/DME) and remote sensing equipment at Vilnius and Palanga International Airports, as well as for the repair of equipment components. The contract partner and equipment supplier is Thales Deutschland GmbH.
The main objective of the project is to replace the old ILS (Instrument Landing System) / DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) equipment installed more than 15 years ago with a new modern equipment, ensuring all the requirements for this type of equipment required by the ICAO, the EU, the Law on Aviation of the Republic of Lithuania, the Special Requirements for the Design, Construction and Use of Civil Aerodromes of the Republic of Lithuania, the requirements of the European Civil Aviation and other local and international regulations.
The system at Palanga Airport will comply with the operational characteristics of ILS category 1. At Vilnius Airport, the system will meet the performance characteristics of ILS category 2 on Runway 19 and Runway01.
The ILS/DME equipment will include:
– Directional Radio Beacon (DRB), Control System, Antenna System;
– Directional Radio Beacon (TRB), control system, antenna system;
– Long Range Equipment (LRE), control system, directional antenna.
– Remote command and control equipment.
The ILS system is designed to enable the on-board equipment to determine the magnitude and sign of the deviation from the nominal glide slope and to determine fixed distances to the runway threshold by receiving signals from ground equipment.
The range finder system is designed to measure the distance between the on-board equipment (aircraft) and the DME ground station. The DME equipment shall be paired with the instrument landing system (ILS) to provide continuous information on the slant (true) distance to the runway as the aircraft approaches the landing approaches. Distance is the most important parameter measured by the DME.
The systems to be deployed will help to improve flight safety, even in difficult meteorological conditions, and will provide high accuracy and range for the measurement of navigation parameters.
The contractual obligations, worth more than €2.4 million, are expected to be completed by 30 November 2022.