11-Nov-2022. Elsis TS has signed a subcontract agreement with Alvora UAB, which has won the tender “Installation of the gas pressure limitation unit at the Marijampolė Gas Distribution Station (hereinafter – GDS)”, announced by Amber Grid AB.
The project will include the installation of a gas pressure limitation unit at the beginning of the main gas pipeline branch to the Marijampolė GDS, as well as the installation of a remote control system (SCADA) that will monitor and control the gas pressure relief unit system.
Elsis TS will carry out the installation, connection and programming of the electrical engineering, earthing and lightning protection, automation and control system, SCADA equipment during the execution of this contract.
The project will modernise the natural gas transmission system of Amber Grid AB using smart technologies and will increase the safety and reliability of the natural gas transmission system for the residents of the municipalities of Vilkaviškis district and Marijampolė.
The works are planned to be completed by 30 June 2023.