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Supply of Meteorological Radar Equipment

11-May-2022. On 28 Elsis TS and the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service under the Ministry of the Environment (LHMT) signed a contract for the supply of meteorological radar equipment. The project is implemented within the framework of the European Union-funded project “Upgrading of the Hydrological and Meteorological Observation Network” Nr. 05.1.1-APVA-V-004-01-0007

The main users of timely and high-quality meteorological information are the LHMT, the public, economic operators, scientific institutions, international institutions and meteorological services, which require detailed information on the distribution and variation of meteorological parameters in space and time. One of the sources of such operational information is meteorological radars. They provide the LHMT synoptics and the digital forecast models of other Nordic meteorological services with the necessary information for warnings of impending dangerous meteorological conditions and for the production of forecasts for various sectors of the economy, especially aviation. The weather radar scans the atmosphere within a radius of 250 km and shows the actual speed and direction of precipitation (rain, snow, hail) fields, thunderstorms and wind profiles. The Vilnius (covering the eastern part of the country) and Laukuvos (covering the south-western and western part of Lithuania) weather radars, which are currently operating in Lithuania and form part of the radar system, are in need of upgrading, as they were installed in 2010 and 2014 and do not meet the demand of users due to more frequent failures. The project will replace the magnetrons, control processors and service stations of the Laukuva and Vilnius radars, upgrade the radar software, provide spare parts and calibration equipment. It will also upgrade the auxiliary equipment and the dome of the Laukuvos radar in line with best practice and recommendations of international organisations. The aim of the project is to provide early warnings of hazardous, natural and catastrophic hyrometeorological phenomena and to respond to user needs.

The contractual obligations are scheduled to be completed by 17 August 2023.