Birstonas gas distribution station modernization


AB „Amber Grid“


2015/05 – 2015/12

Project description:

As per the contract “The Repairs of Automatic Equipment and Electrical Facilities of the Birštonas Gas Distribution Station (GDS) and the Purchase of Related Services”, the company’s personnel carried out the following tasks:

  • Creation of simplified plans for repairing electrical, automatic, SCADA and alarm systems;
  • Dismantling of the diesel generator located in the metal container and installation in a new GDS building;
  • Installation of a new automatic control system (ACS) in the building’s control room and removing of the SCADA equipment, the control cabinets of the fire and security alarm and the diesel electrical generator;
  • Implementation of the interaction between the ACS and SCADA system according to the framework of the SCADA automatic equipment and alarm interaction;
  • Preparation of all the necessary documents.

Radio direction finding equipment installation in sea surveillance posts of the LNF


Lithuanian Naval Forces (LNF)


2015/10 – 2015/12

Project description:

During the execution of the Agreement “Sale, assembly, installation and launching of radio direction finding equipment in Palanga, Klaipėda and Nida sea surveillance posts of the naval forces” the following activities were carried out:

  • Preparation of all documents and design drawings required for the assembly of the equipment;
  • Installation of three sets of radio direction finding equipment;
  • Installation of all hardware and software required to process information received from radio direction finders in all sea surveillance posts, to represent the processed details, and to control the equipment installed in the sea surveillance posts;
  • Execution of other system launch and harmonisation activities.

Automated data collection system in VICI fish processing plant


UAB „Plungės kooperatinė prekyba“ (VIČI Group)


2015/09 – 2015/12

Project description:

During the project implementation the installation of an automated data collection system in the fish processing plant in the city of Plungė took place. This system will allow monitoring and controlling the entire production technological process in real time, receiving timely warnings on deviations in technological process parameters from the limits set and responding in a timely manner.

New automation cabinet sets and controllers will be mounted, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) software with TEMEKA software module for data export to pdf files will be installed, works of the installation of automation cabinets, programming of controllers and other system start-up – adjustment works will be conducted during the performance of the contract.