Contract for the development, installation and maintenance of the petroleum product accounting information system

25-Sep-2024. Elsis TS signed an agreement with KN Energies regarding the development, installation, and maintenance of the petroleum product accounting information system. Contract partners (subcontractors) – Implico GmbH and UAB Novian PRO. The duration of the contract (implementation and support) is 90 months.

KN Energies (until 2024 – Klaipėdos nafta) is a company of strategic importance, ensuring the energy security of Lithuania and neighboring regions. The company has accumulated more than 60 years of experience in the field of handling and storage of liquid energy products.

The implementation of new petroleum products accounting information system (hereinafter – PPA) is part of KN Energies’ strategy for the period 2030-2050: “By 2030, to enter new product markets and adapt to changing customer needs and market conditions, provide a wider range of services, thus attract new customers and secure a competitive advantage The company aims to transform the traditional oil terminal into a liquid energy and chemical terminal (diversifying operations).

The new PPA will allow to carry out documentary accounting of the services provided by KN Energies, collect and process information on stored oil and other liquid energy products (e.g. ethanol, LNG), consolidate the information systems, data and resources used in Klaipėda and Subačius oil terminals, to automate business processes and data exchange with internal and external systems. The new system will ensure growing business needs and eliminate operational risks arising from currently used morally and technologically outdated systems.

The core of the new PPA system is the OpenTAS solution for terminal management, developed by Implico GmbH (Germany). OpenTAS TMS is the digital heart of the modern terminal, providing terminal managers and operators of all types with detailed information on accumulated inventory, its movement, measurement data, customer orders, order fulfillment status and other information necessary for efficient work. The system will also use Oracle DBMS and SAP Crystal Report analytics solutions.

The value of the contract is 2.984 mln. EUR without VAT. It is planned to implement the system within 18 months.

Significant Contribution to the Successful Implementation of the LAF Navy Radar Modernization Project

15-Dec-2023. Elsis TS has made a significant contribution to the successful implementation of very important project strengthening Lithuania’s defence capabilities, during which new modern navigation radars with an airspace monitoring function were installed in four Patrol Ships of the Lithuanian Navy.

The EUR 7.9 million contract was executed in two years by Italian defense companies Leonardo S.p.A., GEM Elettronica, and us, represnting Lithuanian defence industry.

The core of the system is GEM Elettronica’s Columbus MK2 3D multi-mission radar purposely designed for coastal surveillance and shipborne applications, created using the latest technologies, ensuring low radiation detection, system longevity and automated work. It is a compact and advanced radar system for short- and medium-range air and surface contact monitoring and target designation for ship’s weapon systems.

The new radar systems were installed on Lithuania’s Flyvefisken‐class (Standard Flex 300) offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) Žemaitis (P11)Dzūkas (P12)Aukštaitis (P14), and Sėlis (P15).

The main role of the new equipment is to ensure safety of the ships when navigating in narrow passages (e.g., straits, port channels) and open sea, and search and rescue missions. The systems will help detect objects as far as 100 kilometers way. The dual function of the radars is detection and tracking of surface and airborne targets which will enable the use of currently integrated weapons on different types of targets with accuracy, including under especially adverse hydrometeorological conditions during the light and the dark part of the day. The installed radars also have integrated IFF (friend or foe) identification antennas.

During the project implementation, Elsis TS provided essential services, including:

  • Production of cables according to the standard IPC/WHMA-A-620B (Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies) developed by Wiring Harness Manufacturers Association (WHMA), the only industry-consensus standard prescribing practices and requirements for the manufacture of Cable, Wire and Harness Assemblies, describing materials, methods, tests, and acceptability criteria for producing crimped, mechanically secured, or soldered interconnections and the related assembly activities associated with cable and harness assemblies.
  • Production of mechanical adapters – radar antenna holders and console mounting adapters.
  • All installation works of radar systems – control equipment, cables, electrical connections, consoles, additional screens, and IFF antennas.

Subcontract for the Replacement of Closing Devices of the Main Gas Pipeline and Connection to SCADA System

16-Oct-2023. Elsis TS signed a subcontract with UAB “DS-1”, which won the tender announced by AB “Amber Grid” – “Reconstruction works of replacement of main gas pipeline closing devices and connection to remote control system SCADA (Rate 3).

During the execution of the project, the reconstruction works of the replacement and connection of the closing devices of the main gas pipelines (branches to the Panevėžys gas distribution station LČ 1, 2, 6, 7) and the connection to the remote control system SCADA and related services will be performed.

During the execution of this contract, UAB “Elsis TS” will perform remote control (SCADA) and electrical engineering (electricity, grounding and lightning protection systems) equipment installation, connection and programming works.

During the implementation of the project, the natural gas transmission system of AB “Amber Grid” will be modernized with the help of smart technologies and the safety and reliability of the natural gas transmission system will be increased for the residents of Panevėžys city and district.

The works are planned to be completed by March 4, 2024.

Subcontract for Reconstruction Works for the Replacement of Main Gas Pipeline Closing Devices and Connection to the SCADA System

21-Mar-2023. Elsis TS has signed a subcontract agreement with Alvora UAB, which has won the tender “Reconstruction works for the replacement of the shut-off devices of the trunk gas pipelines and connection to the remote control system SCADA” announced by Amber Grid AB.

The project will involve the replacement of the main gas pipeline shut-off devices (branch to A. Paneriai I DSS shut-off devices No 1-I and No 1-II and Pajiešmeniai DSS shut-off device No 2) and reconstruction of the connection to the remote control system SCADA and related services.

Elsis TS UAB will carry out the installation, connection and programming of the remote control (SCADA) equipment during the execution of this contract.

The project will modernise the natural gas transmission system of Amber Grid AB using smart technologies and increase the security and reliability of the natural gas transmission system for the residents of Vilnius City and Pasvalys District.

The works are planned to be completed by 30 October 2023.

Reconstruction works for the replacement of main gas pipeline shut-off devices and connection to the remote control system SCADA

21-Mar-2023. Elsis TS has signed a subcontract agreement with Alvora UAB, which has won the tender “Reconstruction works for the replacement of the shut-off devices of the trunk gas pipelines and connection to the remote control system SCADA” announced by Amber Grid AB.

The project will involve the replacement of the main gas pipeline shut-off devices (branch to A. Paneriai I DSS shut-off devices No 1-I and No 1-II and Pajiešmeniai DSS shut-off device No 2) and reconstruction of the connection to the remote control system SCADA and related services.

Elsis TS UAB will carry out the installation, connection and programming of the remote control (SCADA) equipment during the execution of this contract.

The project will modernise the natural gas transmission system of Amber Grid AB using smart technologies and increase the security and reliability of the natural gas transmission system for the residents of Vilnius City and Pasvalys District.

The works are planned to be completed by 30 October 2023.

Supply of Micro TSPUs and Other Telemetry Devices for Collecting and Transmitting Tele-Information from DSRUs

11-Nov-2022. Elsis TS has signed a contract with AB Energijos skirstymo operatoriums (ESO) for supply of Micro TSPUs and other telemetry equipment for the collection and transmission of teleinformation from DSRU.

AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” (ESO) is the operator of Lithuania’s electricity and natural gas distribution systems, which distributes electricity and gas and maintains the distribution networks to ensure their reliability and efficiency, troubleshoots network faults and connects new customers.

The contract will provide new Micro TSPU controller kits with power supply, battery packs and communication equipment, mounted in anti-vandal cabinets, for the collection, storage and transmission of telemetry data from the gas pressure regulators in the gas distribution network to the telemetry information system of ESO’s dispatch centre.

The contract, valued at EUR 330 250,00 excluding VAT, will be valid for a period of three years and will be completed on 4 September 2025.

Subcontract for the Installation of a Gas Pressure Limitation Unit at the Marijampolė GDS

11-Nov-2022. Elsis TS has signed a subcontract agreement with Alvora UAB, which has won the tender “Installation of the gas pressure limitation unit at the Marijampolė Gas Distribution Station (hereinafter – GDS)”, announced by Amber Grid AB.

The project will include the installation of a gas pressure limitation unit at the beginning of the main gas pipeline branch to the Marijampolė GDS, as well as the installation of a remote control system (SCADA) that will monitor and control the gas pressure relief unit system.

Elsis TS will carry out the installation, connection and programming of the electrical engineering, earthing and lightning protection, automation and control system, SCADA equipment during the execution of this contract.

The project will modernise the natural gas transmission system of Amber Grid AB using smart technologies and will increase the safety and reliability of the natural gas transmission system for the residents of the municipalities of Vilkaviškis district and Marijampolė.

The works are planned to be completed by 30 June 2023.

Subcontract for the Provision of Services for Construction of Biogas Connection Point in the Village of Vytarai, Pasvalys District

10-Nov-2022. Elsis TS has signed a subcontract with Dujotiekio statyba UAB for the installation of process control and automation (SCADA) and electrical works and related services in the framework of the project “Purchase of works for the installation of a biogas connection point in Vytaru village, Pasvalys district”.

This is the first project of its kind in Lithuania, as the rapidly rising prices of energy resources are increasing the interest of market players to invest in biogas production by building biomethane power plants and connecting them to the gas transmission network operated by Amber Grid AB, thus supplying the biomethane produced in this way to the local and foreign market.

Biogas energy produced from food waste, manure or agricultural residues is part of the circular economy and is considered one of the most advanced forms of renewable energy and is being actively developed in many European countries.

The project will contribute to the development of the internal energy market and energy security and will increase the reliability of the main gas pipeline networks operated by Amber Grid AB.

The works are scheduled to be completed by 1 June 2023.

Technical and License Support Services for the Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS)

03-Nov-2022. Elsis TS has signed a contract with Amber Grid AB for the provision of technical and licensing support services for the “Software and model for gas pipeline safety and integrity (PIMS)” for a period of 3 years.

Amber Grid AB is the Lithuanian natural gas transmission system operator, responsible for the transmission of natural gas (transport via high pressure pipelines) to system users, the operation, maintenance and development of natural gas infrastructure.

PiMS software, developed by Associated Technology Pipeline limited (ATP), a British company, is an innovative, graphical, multi-user software for use in ensuring the safety and integrity of gas pipelines. Pipeline data such as equipment and pipeline information, users, geographic and environmental data are integrated and processed in the PiMS software. The calculations provide important information on the integrity of the trunk pipelines, which is used to make important management decisions on pipeline maintenance, inspection strategies and investments in repair and replacement.

The implementation of the Contract will contribute to the safety and reliability of the natural gas transmission system operated by Amber Grid AB and will increase the efficiency of the maintenance and repair work on the main gas pipelines.

PIMS technical and licensing support services will be provided until 30 June 2025.

Contract for the Installation of New Aviation Meteorological System at the Air Base of State Border Police

28-Oct-2022. Elsis TS and the State Border Guard Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania signed a contract for the acquisition of an aviation meteorological system, its installation, project preparation, dismantling of the old meteorological equipment and the installation of a new one in the base of the VSAT Aviation Board at Oreivių g. 1, Paluknis k., Trakai district. Lithuania.

The Aviation Board of the State Border Guard Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as “VSAT AV”) performs flights for the protection of the state border, search and rescue and other functions necessary for state security. These flights are usually conducted in difficult meteorological conditions, day and night, and therefore relevant and timely aeronautical meteorological information is vital for the safe and expeditious conduct of these flights. By acquiring modern equipment of the Finnish manufacturer Vaisala Oyj, which meets the highest standards of aviation meteorology, at the VSAT AV helicopter base at Paluknis aerodrome, VSAT AV expects that the new equipment will help VSAT AV aircrews to better understand the current weather conditions, identify hazardous precipitation (such as freezing rain) and wind gusts, assess visibility and cloud height limits, and use this information to make important decisions that will improve mission performance and ensure high flight safety.

The contractual obligations are scheduled to be completed by 28 April 2023.